ALGs for 20s–30s

Becoming One
Sundays at 11:15 AM | Banquet Room 
Teacher: Pastor Jim Cashwell

Young couples — Engaged couples, newlyweds, and young marrieds gather for Bible teaching, discussion, and fellowship as we grow together in Christ. We encourage each other and develop friendships while building a strong faith foundation for our marriages and young families. 

College Life 
Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 200
Teachers: Pastor Timothy & Vicki Hathaway

College students (18–25) are invited to connect here for Bible teaching and small group discussion! We strive to develop authentic relationships with Jesus Christ and each other as we grow in our faith. Whether you’re in the area year-round or just on school breaks, you are welcome!

Young Adults
Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 500

Teacher: Pastor Sibu Rajappan

Young single adults (20s–30s) are invited to join us on Sunday mornings! Pastor Sibu Rajappan will lead Bible teaching, followed by group discussion. We also get together during the week for activities and fellowship.