<p>Support Ministries<br />
Providing support, help &amp; hope<br />
through life&#39;s challenges</p>
Support Ministries
Providing support, help & hope
through life's challenges


Sometimes we need the support, prayer, and love of our church friends and family.

Going through a difficult time or facing a challenge? Calvary offers many ministries that provide encouragement, prayer support, and practical guidance based on God's Word. Check out the list below or contact us.

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    Support Ministry Classes
    DivorceCare, GriefShare & HeartCare

    Monday evening classes

    Calvary Support Ministry classes are open to everyone. Each class explores the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical aspects of life challenges from a biblical perspective. However, our classes are not professional counseling sessions or therapy groups.

    Join us or invite a friend — everyone is welcome! Childcare is not provided.

    Support Ministry classes meet at Calvary Church. Please register in advance below. You may also register in person on Monday, September 16, beginning at 5:45 PM.

    Mondays, September 9 – December 9
    6:30–8:00 PM, Room 242

    Separation and divorce are some of life’s most difficult experiences. Each meeting encourages perspective and discussion to restore balance in participants’ lives. The DVD-based curriculum addresses many aspects of divorce—from loneliness and depression to finances and anger—with grace and truth. Join us for biblical encouragement, practical tips for overcoming challenges, and prayer. Open to men and women. Cost: $25. Workbooks (version 4.0) will be provided.


    Mondays, September 9 – December 9
    6:30–8:00 PM, Rooms 226 & 227

    Living through the death of a spouse, child, relative, or other loved one can be a painful journey through the valley of the shadow. Our facilitators understand the personal journey through grief and offer discerning compassion and encouragement during this difficult time. The class includes a biblically based curriculum with DVDs on aspects of grief followed by discussion. Cost: $25. Workbooks (version 4) will be provided.


    Mondays, September 9 – November 18
    6:30–8:00 PM, Room 222

    Many people in our world today have experienced “wounds of the heart” or trauma. Our hearts can be wounded when we suddenly lose a loved one or experience betrayal, serious injury, abuse, crime, and many other traumatic events. This series of classes is intended to help people recover from trauma and loss by bringing Scripture to bear on their situations and lives. Cost: $10. The workbook will be provided.


    The Potter’s Hands
    1st & 3rd Mondays throughout the year
    6:30–8:00 PM, Room 1200

    Drugs, alcohol, pornography – these are but a few of the “modern plagues” that ruin lives, ruin marriages, lead to anxiety and depression, and even death. Such sins not only rob a person of life but steal the soul. And professing followers of Christ are not immune from the destruction that such things present. In Christ, there is freedom from the bondage of sin. Come and find support, fellowship, encouragement, and accountability.


    Partial need-based financial assistance is available and may be requested at registration. Please contact the Ministry Coordinator. Pending approval, you will receive an email notification. 

    Contacts: Helen Stewart, 704.887.3681, hstewart@calvarychurch.com or Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com
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    The Potter's Hands
    Recovery in Christ
    1st & 3rd Mondays, 6:30 PM

    Recovery in Christ

    • Meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 PM in Room 1200.
    • On the first Monday of each month, we enjoy food and fellowship — bring a friend!

    Drugs, alcohol, and pornography are but a few of the “modern plagues” that ruin lives and destroy marriages and families, leading to anxiety, depression, and even death. Such sins not only rob a person of life but steal the soul as well. And followers of Christ are not immune from the destruction that such things bring.

    Yet, there is hope! In Christ, there is freedom from the bondage of sin. 

    Whether you have walked with Christ for years or are unsure about the Christian faith, you are welcome to attend The Potter’s Hands. In this ministry, you will meet with others who have found hope and freedom through the grace of Jesus Christ.

    Come and find support, fellowship, encouragement, and accountability. We want to extend hope and help you heal and grow. Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). You can start experiencing this life today! 

    Note: We are NOT a crisis center or hotline, a substitute for attending church, a professional therapy group, or a substitute for professional help or assistance.

    Please register below to help us prepare for you.


    Contacts: Pastor Rob Reece, rreece@calvarychurch.com & Helen Stewart, 704.887.3681, hstewart@calvarychurch.com




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    Hearts & Hammers
    Do you need assistance?

    Do you need assistance with basic home maintenance and repairs?

    Our Hearts & Hammers teams tackle to-do lists monthly for Calvary senior adults and families who need assistance.

    To apply to be a care receiver, contact Helen Stewart at 704.341.5328 or hstewart@calvarychurch.com.

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    Food Pantry
    In need? Contact us!

    If you and/or your family need crisis assistance from the Calvary Food Pantry, we want to help!

    The Food Pantry is open on selected Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. If you need help, please contact Valerie Ahearn at 704.787.4784 or Pastor Sibu Rajappan at 704.907.7497 or srajappan@calvarychurch.com.

    We also host quarterly drive-thru grocery distributions for families in need. To receive groceries, you must sign up in advance.

    2024 Dates:

    • Friday, September 20
    • Monday, November 18 — Thanksgiving Meals

    Enter the Calvary Church parking lot on the Highway 51 side of the church and go to the Chapel portico at Building Entrance #13. (New location due to construction)

    Contacts: Valerie Ahearn704.787.4784 & Pastor Sibu Rajappan704.907.7497, srajappan@calvarychurch.com





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    Widows Ministry
    Fall Schedule
    Bible Study, Fellowship & Outreach

    Inspiring Hope is a ministry group for widows at Calvary and the community. We hold monthly meetings on Zoom, in-person fellowships, and outreach projects throughout the year. 

    Whether you are recently widowed or have journeyed for some time as a widow, please join us for encouraging Bible devotionals, prayer, and a community of women who care!

    Our study this fall will be The Strength You Need: The Twelve Great Strength Passages of the Bible by Robert J. Morgan. 

    Here's our monthly meeting schedule for Fall 2024:

    • First Friday Zoom, 6:007:30 PM 
      We meet virtually to share Twelve Great Strength passages from the Bible and pray together.
    • Second Saturday Brunch, 10:30 AM–12:30 PM 
      Join us to share a meal at a restaurant or in a home.
    • Monthly Outreach, 11:00 AM1:00 PM 
      We'll meet at Calvary to write notes, plan home visitation, or do special outreach projects.
    • Third/Fourth Thursday Fellowship, 11:00 AM1:30 PM 
      As a group, we will attend the scheduled Organ Concerts and Senior Adult Luncheons at Calvary.

    Contact Donna Bridges at 704.301.5991 to receive the book, Zoom meeting credentials, and monthly activities schedule.

    Contact: Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com




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    CancerCare for Women
    Support Ministry
    for those facing cancer

    Calvary Support Ministry offers support to women in our congregation who are facing a cancer diagnosis or undergoing treatment.

    If you are a cancer patient and desire support from one of our CancerCare volunteers, please let us know.

    Our knowledgeable team is ready to offer practical and spiritual support. We can assist you with transportation needs, accompany you to doctor's appointments or hospital visits, assist with meals, and provide prayer support.

    Please complete the sign-up form below, and our Support Ministry Coordinator will personally reach out to you.

    CancerCare Signup

    Volunteer Opportunity — If you are a female cancer survivor or healthcare professional with intimate knowledge of cancer, its symptoms, types of treatment, and some of its effects, please pray about joining our CancerCare team to encourage women with practical and spiritual support. LEARN MORE

    Contact: Helen Stewart, Support Ministry Coordinator, 704.887.3681, hstewart@calvarychurch.com



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    Military Ministry
    Supporting those who serve
    Stateside, Overseas, & Veterans

    We seek to share the love of Christ with active duty military, Reserve and National Guard members, veterans, and their family members at Calvary Church and throughout the greater Charlotte community.
    Recognizing the special sacrifices made by those serving in the armed forces, we want to help meet those unique spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. We're here to offer prayer, encouragement, fellowship, discipleship opportunities, support services, and share the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

    If you're in military service, a veteran, or have a loved one serving stateside or abroad, please join our prayer and contact list.

    Contacts: Pastor Jim Pile, 704.341.5359, jpile@calvarychurch.com & Jennifer Sharpless, 704.341.5417, jsharpless@calvarychurch.com 

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    of the Week

    Each week we have a pastor, an elder, and several deacons on call to help with urgent needs and hospital care.

    For emergency needs, hospitalization, a death in the family, or a birth announcement to share, please contact the church office at 704.543.1200 or the pastor/elder/deacons listed in Looking Up for this week.

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    Hospital Care

    If you or a family member has an upcoming surgery or hospital stay, please let us know by calling the church office at 704.543.1200. We would like to have someone there to pray with you.

    If admitted, please let the hospital know that you attend Calvary Church. We want to visit (if you like), pray with you, and offer support to you and your family.