<p>Families<br />
Supporting &amp; Equipping Families</p>
Supporting & Equipping Families


At Calvary, we want families of all kinds to know and share the love of Jesus Christ. We strive to equip and encourage parents to build strong Christ-centered homes, sharing the love of God, the truth of the Gospel, and a life of faith with the next generation.

Join us for opportunities to support and strengthen relationships, marriages, and families at all stages of life! 

Family Transitions: These sessions are designed to help you teach and guide your children through different stages in life. It's practical insight with a strong biblical foundation!

Family Milestones: Celebrate life's moments of commitment! Find out more about weddings, child dedication, and baptism HERE.

Contacts: Pastor Nathaniel Pearce, 704.341.5424, npearce@calvarychurch.com

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    Estate Design Seminar
    Thursday, November 7
    2:00 & 6:30 PM, Room 401
    Register now!

    Thursday, November 7
    2:00 & 6:30 PM, Room 401

    When preparing financial plans, it is important to consider both the current and eternal perspectives. Calvary Estate Design Seminars are focused on future planning and key components of estate design in light of God's Word. In addition to addressing typical concerns, you will be invited to ask yourself — what would the Lord have me do? Objectives include:

    • Strengthening — not straining — family relationships
    • Taking an all-encompassing approach
    • Care and guardianship of minor children
    • Minimizing spiritual challenges for beneficiaries
    • Tax considerations
    • Achieving the greatest Kingdom impact

    There is NO cost for the seminar, and the process is confidential. You’ll benefit no matter your stage of life — whether you’re starting a family or reviewing plans as an empty nester. Either update your current will and estate plans or get started now!

    Estate Design Seminars are typically offered twice each year with afternoon and evening options.

    Please help us prepare for you by registering to attend!


    Contacts: Carl Austin, Director of Finance, 704.341.5346, caustin@calvarychurch.com or Debbie O'Neal, 704.887.3679, doneal@calvarychurch.com

    Calvary Stewardship Ministry is focused on helping individuals and families approach day-to-day finance and milestone life events with a smart and biblical foundation through classes, seminars, and confidential individual/family counseling.

    "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." — 2 Corinthians 4:18

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    Family Transitions

    Family Transitions is a free, ongoing learning series at Calvary. Parents, join us for biblical resources, encouragement, and support through all the ages and stages of family life. 

    Please check back for upcoming classes!

    Contact: Pastor Nathaniel Pearce, 704.341.5424, npearce@calvarychurch.com




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    Tying the Knot
    For Engaged Couples

    This course is offered periodically throughout the year. Contact us about the next available session!

    Are you engaged? Thinking about getting married?

    You're invited to spend six sessions with us, addressing foundational issues and biblical principles that will help you establish and maintain a healthy marriage.

    We'll discuss issues such as conflict, expectations, communication, finances, and intimacy. You'll also get to know your prospective spouse better by assessing personality, birth order, and more.

    We'll use Rob Green's book, Tying the Knot: A Premarital Guide to a Strong & Lasting Marriage, as a realistic, hopeful, and actionable guide toward a Christ-centered marriage.

    Contact: Pastor Nathaniel Pearce, 704.341.5424, npearce@calvarychurch.com






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    HOME Ministry
    Adoption, Fostering & Orphan Care

    Calvary HOME Ministry seeks to obey God’s Word by ministering to fatherless, orphaned, and vulnerable children (James 1:27).
    Our ministry focus areas are:
    • Awareness and training
    • Support for adoptive and foster families
    • Direct support for children in need
    • Prayer

    If you would like to help or are considering adopting or fostering a child, please reach out to our contacts below. We would love the opportunity to be a resource for you!

    Financial Assistance
    Calvary has established an Adoption Assistance Fund to provide financial aid to qualified Calvary members who apply during their adoption process. To request an application, contact Pastor Pearce. Questions should be forwarded to Mike Malone at 574.607.1619 or mmal1.ipad@gmail.com.

    Contacts: Pastor Nathaniel Pearce, 704.341.5424, npearce@calvarychurch.com



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    Family Night Challenge
    Enjoy a regular Family Night!

    Calvary highly recommends that every family designate one night a week for Family Night. Life is busy, and if we don’t plan to spend time together and enjoy each other, our most important relationships can be neglected.

    Planning one night each week is valuable for the time and interaction itself. It also helps us refocus on those important relationships. It takes work to block out the same night every week. No doubt, an exception may have to be made from time to time, but you show your priorities when you are able to make it happen consistently. We find that most families really look forward to Family Night! 

    So, what is Family Night? We suggest that you choose a consistent night each week and plan to include these elements:

    • Dinner — Have a fun dinner together! Let the kids contribute their ideas about favorite foods for the menu.
    • Clean up — After dinner, clean the kitchen together. You’re a team, and everyone can contribute to the job!
    • Devotions — Have a family devotional. Read Scripture together and discuss its meaning. Pray together and for each other. And if you are really adventurous, sing a favorite chorus or hymn.
    • Fun — Participate in some kind of fun activity. It could be a board game. If your kids like to make crafts or build things, go in that direction. The point is to enjoy each other and laugh together. Relationships are vital in leading your children. Laughter and fun deepen these relationships!
    • Dessert — Eat dessert! You can work together to make a fruit salad, chocolate chip cookies, or whatever treat your family enjoys.

    You have accomplished a number of important things when you become intentional with Family Night: 

    • You spend time together building relationships and staying connected.
    • You instruct your kids with God’s Word.
    • You pray — thanking God for His goodness and asking for His guidance and provision. 
    • You build heart connections by sharing and laughing together. 
    • On a weekly basis, you put in place some important experiences that drive the rest of the week. And really the rest of your parenting!

    "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." — Deuteronomy 6:5–7

    Contacts: Pastor Nathaniel Pearce, 704.341.5424, npearce@calvarychurch.com