<p>Current Series<br />
Find out what we&#39;re studying on Sundays!</p>
Current Series
Find out what we're studying on Sundays!

Current Series

"We strongly believe when the Bible speaks, God speaks."
At Calvary, we are committed to reading, studying, preaching, teaching, and obeying the inspired Word of God.
Presented by Senior Pastor John Munro, the exposition of Scripture is the foundation of our worship. To allow for a more comprehensive study and a deeper understanding, Pastor Munro often preaches in series form — with an in-depth approach by book or topic.

Pastor Munro's Bible preaching and teaching are also featured in The Verdict, Calvary's radio and podcast ministry. The 25-minute daily radio program challenges listeners as to their response (their "verdict") on the truth of Scripture. Pastor Munro also hosts a weekly podcast called Avizandum, with new episodes available each Tuesday.


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    1 Peter
    Sundays at 9:45 AM
    Our Current Series

    Worship with us on Sundays at 9:45 AM

    — Current message series with Pastor John Munro

    The apostle Peter writes to followers of Christ who are scattered and persecuted because of their faith. He exhorts them to stand firm in the grace of God and to remember the coming glory.

    In our world of suffering and increasing hostility to Christ-followers, Pastor Munro challenges us to live holy and humble lives and to follow the perfect example of our Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered for us.

    Join us on Sunday mornings for this challenging and encouraging series on 1 Peter.

    "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you" — 1 Peter 1:3–4

    Catch up or replay previous messages HERE in our Media Player.




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    2 Peter
    Summer Series begins August 4

    This summer, Senior Pastor John Munro will conclude his expository series on the epistle of 1 Peter. Our Calvary pastoral staff will preach through the book of 2 Peter in the month of August.

    We invite you to join us for worship on Sundays at 9:45 AM and these messages:

    • August 4 — 2 Peter 1:1–11
      by Dr. Timothy Brown
    • August 11 — 2 Peter 1:12–21
      by Dr. Nathaniel Pearce
    • August 18 — 2 Peter 2 
      by Pastor Sibu Rajappan
    • August 25 — 2 Peter 3
      by Pastor Jim Cashwell

    "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence" — 2 Peter 1:3

    Catch up or replay previous Calvary messages HERE in our Media Player.




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    "When a Nation Forgets God"
    Pastor Munro's Booklet
    Download e-book
    Available in the Word Room

    Listen again to Pastor Munro’s 10-message series on the book of Jeremiah.

    God called the prophet Jeremiah to proclaim a message of judgment to the people of Judah unless they repented of their idolatry and apostasy. Jeremiah witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians.

    Just as ancient Judah forsook God, so our nation is rejecting God. How are we then to live in such a pagan culture?

    What does this Old Testament book teach us today? In addition to warnings, we will find that it is possible to stand true to God’s Word and trust that our God is one of mercy, compassion, and restoration.

    Replay messages HERE in our Media Player.

    When a Nation Forgets God

    Reflections from the Book of Jeremiah

    by John H. Munro

    Print copies are available in the Word Room bookstore at Calvary ($5) while supplies last.

    Prefer an e-book on your mobile device or a PDF download?







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    For the Time Is Near
    Lessons from Revelation
    Pastor Munro's Booklet
    Available in the Word Room

    “Behold, I am coming soon” — Revelation 22:7
    Are you ready for Jesus to return? Do you wonder about the future? Have recent world events made you fearful and uncertain?

    Watch Pastor Munro's entire sermon series on the fascinating book of Revelation in our Media Library! Or listen to the radio broadcasts at The Verdict online

    For the Time Is Near

    Lessons from Revelation — A Biblical Introduction

    by John H. Munro

    Print copies are available in the Word Room bookstore at Calvary ($5) while supplies last.

    Prefer an e-book on your mobile device or a PDF download? 



    The series is also available for purchase in the Word Room in four CD volumes. Each volume is $20, tax included.

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    Seven Deadly Sins
    Pastor Munro's booklet
    Available in the Word Room

    Pride. Envy. Anger. Sloth. Gluttony. Greed. Lust.

    In past generations, sin was prominent in people’s thinking, religion, and society. But things have changed… Now sin seems like an old-fashioned, judgmental term that should be discarded. However, as we look at our world (and our hearts!), doesn’t something seem broken? If human beings are basically good and improving, why is there still so much hurt, violence, conflict, and abuse?

    Scripture makes it very clear that sin is our great problem. And that all sin, not just these so-called deadly sins, leads to death.

    The more we understand sin in our own hearts and lives, the more we will embrace the matchless grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Come and invite others!

    “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

    DEADLY — Why Sin Still Matters

    A Biblical Study of the Seven Deadly Sins

    by John H. Munro

    Print copies are available in the Word Room bookstore at Calvary ($5) while supplies last.

    Prefer an e-book on your mobile device or a PDF download?



    Listen again to sermons in our Media Library:

    seven deadly sins


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    Trusting God in Tough Times
    Pastor Munro's booklet
    Available in the Word Room

    Life can be difficult, unpredictable, and even frightening. Each day brings its own challenges and struggles. They threaten to defeat us, discourage us, and embitter us. Everyone, including followers of Jesus Christ, may feel overwhelmed. What are we supposed to do? How are we meant to handle all that life brings?

    In this updated edition, Pastor Munro presents biblical encouragement to equip you for life's challenges. He offers scriptural perspective on questions including:

    "Why does trusting God really matter?"
    "How can I overcome my fears and anxieties?"
    "How can I deal with grief?"

    Print copies are available in the Word Room bookstore at Calvary ($5) while supplies last.

    Prefer an e-book on your mobile device or a PDF download? 

    download e-book

    Questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you. Email us at info@calvarychurch.com.

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    Eternal Security
    Pastor Munro's booklet
    Available in the Word Room

    "Our society is riddled with turmoil, uncertainty, chaos, and insecurity at all levels. But it is at this point that the brilliance of the Christian Gospel shines."

    Pastor Munro has written a booklet titled Eternal Security: Finding Certainty in a Chaotic World. 

    Be encouraged by his personal testimony and exploration of Scripture as he discusses why followers of Jesus Christ can be assured of their salvation and better understand the implications of salvation by grace.

    • Can I lose my salvation?
    • What happens if I commit some serious sin or embrace some doctrinal error?
    • Isn't salvation just the forgiveness of sins? 
    • What more is there to understand?

    Eternal Security

    Finding Certainty in a Chaotic World

    Free copies are available in the Word Room bookstore at Calvary while supplies last.

    Prefer an e-book on your mobile device or a PDF download? 

    download e-book


    "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."
    — John 10:28


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    Next Steps in Following Jesus
    10–Day Plan by Dr. Munro
    on YouVersion Bible App

    10-Day Plan Now Available on the YouVersion Bible App

    A devotional reading plan by Pastor Munro, Next Steps in Following Jesus, is now available on the YouVersion Bible app! Pastor Munro challenges new or longtime believers to continue to grow in their journey as a follower of Christ, highlighting a different Bible passage each day.

    "Next Steps" is Pastor Munro's second plan for the app, following Turning off the Noise, a 7-day plan.

    To check it out, download the free YouVersion Bible app at iTunes or Google Play or see it online at Bible.com.  Within the app, choose "Plans" and then search for "next steps" or "munro" to find the plan — then "Start Plan" to begin reading!

    YouVersion is one of the most popular Bible mobile apps, providing the text of the Bible on more than 240 million mobile devices around the world. In addition to providing the text of the Bible in 1000+ languages, the YouVersion app provides a library of Bible reading plans and devotionals to encourage mobile users to engage directly with God's Word.