<p>ALGs for Senior Adults</p>
ALGs for Senior Adults

ALGs for Senior Adults

Joy Class
Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 1200
Teacher: Jon Keil

We’re a group of believers and prayer warriors who study the Bible and seek to apply it to our lives. We desire to grow in our knowledge of God’s Word, so we may better live and witness for Christ. We also enjoy lots of fellowship!

Life to the Max
Sundays at 11:15 AM | Room 401
Teacher: Ron Elmore & Rich Strahm

We’re a large group of couples and singles that enjoys in-depth, interactive Bible teaching and discussion using study guides and multimedia presentations. We grow in faith and develop close relationships through fellowship and serving together. Join us to discuss God’s Word!

Living Hope
Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 242
Teacher: Tom Dilly

As believers, we understand that we have a life of hope through faith. Study God's Word with us and find encouragement to live with true hope in this troubled world. We also enjoy a rich time of prayer and fellowship!

Pilgrims in Progress
Sundays at 8:30 AM | Banquet Room
Teacher: Bob Lanning

Our large class treasures the Word of God, and our in-depth study focuses on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. Our goal is to know and articulate what we believe and why. We pray for each other and enjoy activities that build strong friendships!

Word Warriors
Sundays at 8:30 AM | Room 226
Teacher: Doug Goforth

This vibrant group of couples and singles gathers for expository Bible study. We actively develop relationships as we fellowship and become integrated into the life of Calvary Church. The atmosphere here is relaxed, the people friendly, and the conversation lively. Join us!