<p>Orphan Sunday<br />
November 12</p>
Orphan Sunday
November 12

Orphan Sunday

"God sets the lonely in families" — Psalm 68:6 NIV

Join us in praying for orphans worldwide as Calvary observes Orphan Sunday on November 12.

It's a day to remember that God’s Word calls followers of Christ to care for orphaned and vulnerable children and share His love by considering adoption, foster care, and ministry to orphans locally and around the world.

  • Calvary supports adoptive and foster families through our HOME Ministry. LEARN MORE 

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27

Contact: Pastor Nathaniel Pearce, 704.341.5424, npearce@calvarychurch.com & Sandy O'Donovan, 704.341.5323, sodonovan@calvarychurch.com